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Tahriib 'Dangerous Crossings' (SOMALI MUSIC 2017)

  • 'Dangerous Crossings' is derived by Tahriib which was originally written and composed by Aadan Muuse Haybe and Aar Maanta. Dangerous Crossings is part of a major campaign to spread awareness about the dangers of crossing to war-stricken Yemen through the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea from Africa, highlighting the horrendous conditions and rising risks in Yemen.
    The music is arranged by acclaimed Hollywood producer George Acogny and the video is directed by Egyptian film director Amr Salama. Prominent artists featuring include – Maryam Mursal from Somalia, Yeshie Demalash, Dawit Nega and Tadele Roba from Ethiopia, and Hany Adel from Egypt.
    The song marks the launch of the UNHCR Dangerous Crossings campaign and intends to send a key message – to make people think very carefully before deciding to cross to Yemen.
    Heestan fanaaniinta heer caalami ku luuqaynayaan waxaa laga abuuray heestii Tahriib ee uu qorey Abwaan Aadan Muuse Haybe, laxanka waxaa sameeyey isla markaana hore ugu luuquuyay Aar Maanta.

    Category : Somalian Videos


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