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Nelson Mandela destroys Ted Koppel Part 2

  • In 1990, Nelson Mandela visited the U.S. for the first time after being freed from 27 years of imprisonment in South Africa. During Mandela's visit he also conducted his first interview with Ted Koppel of ABC News. Koppel was then known as one of the toughest and most feared TV reporters and interviewers in America. His ABC news show, "Nightline", was one of the top rated late night programs on television. The interview turned out to be an openly biased attempt to assassinate Nelson Mandela's character, credibility, and cause. With the bulk of Koppel's preselected questioners being either conservative Republican plants, apartheid sympathizers, opponents of Mandela's African National Congress party (ANC), and/or known members of the white supremacists Apartheid regime. Due to the wisdom and strength of Nelson Mandela, the assassination attempt failed miserable. Ted Koppel was never the same man again and eventually slipped into oblivion.

    Category : News & Politics


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