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Hunting the Big Five of Africa with Limcroma Safaris

  • Hunting the Big Five with Limcroma Safaris combines the extreme thrill of hunting dangerous game without the hassle
    of traveling to rural countries and spending several days to get to your final hunting destination. Luxurious accommodations
    and first class hospitality meets the hardcore dangerous game hunter in search of completing his OR her Big Five or even Dangerous Seven
    hunting dreams.
    This is a highlight reel where we hunt 3 of the big 5 in one safari to complete, not one, but two hunters quest to hunt the big five!
    We started off hunting elephant and then moved on to hunting leopard and finally finished off with a rhino hunt.
    We also hunted the springbok slam, roan antelope, sable, eland, nyala and many more.
    Traveling through the several regions was made easy with a King Air and allowed us the opportunity to see and experience some
    beautiful scenery.
    Be sure to watch the whole video to see a wild elephant interact with us in a very surprising and spectacular way! We also had lions fighting and encountered giraffes taking a swing at each other and experienced a close call with the sharp end of a Nyala! Big herds of buffalo and gemsbok running across the plains as well. Double rifles and adrenaline filled hunting in Africa at its best!
    Conservation through hunting has been proven to be one of the most effective forms of protecting wildlife populations, in Africa, and the rest of the
    world. It provides necessary infrastructure, and management whilst involving, uplifting and educating rural native communities to add value not
    only to the land, but also to the animals that sometimes offer very little to them.
    All of the hunting conducted in this video was done by licensed professional hunters and the registered outfitter. Big five hunts are closely controlled and governed by law and all the necessary procedures were followed and all necessary permits and licenses were obtained as per regulation.
    ©Melcom Van Staden Productions

    Category : Travel & Tourism


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