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Soukous Congo Music - Patrick Bukassa

  • Played and Inspired by Patrick Bukassa (Copyright).
    Soukous (also known as Lingala, Congo and African rumba) is a dance music[1] genre that originated in the two neighbouring countries of Belgian Congo and French Congo during the 1930s and early 1940s, and which has gained popularity throughout Africa. "Soukous" (a derivative of the French word secousse, "shake"[2]) was originally the name of a dance popular in the Congos in the late 1960s, an African version of rumba. Although the genre was initially known as rumba (sometimes termed specifically as African rumba), the term "soukous" has come to refer to African rumba and its subsequent developments.
    Soukous is called Congo music in West Africa, and Lingala in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania - referring to the Lingala language of the region from where it originated. In Zambia and Zimbabwe, where Congolese music is also influential, it is usually referred to as Rumba. In the 1980s and early 1990s, a fast-paced style of soukous known as kwassa kwassa -- named after a popular dance, was popular. A style called ndombolo, also named after a dance, is currently popular.
    In the late 1930s and early 1940s, Congolese musicians fused Afro-Cuban rhythms that were made available through the EMI G.V. Series and were not entirely foreign to the region, having been based - to varying degrees - on musical traditions from the area[3][4] with Congolese and other African traditional music. This music emerged in the cities of Leopoldville, as Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was then called, and Brazzaville, then capital of the French Congo, now capital of the Republic of the Congo. Most of the musicians performed in Lingala language, but some also used Swahili, Tshiluba and Kikongo languages.
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