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Brother B - Uniting We (Official Music Video) "2018 Soca" [HD]

  • Also watch here: youtu.be/zoCMEsGtlsQ | "Blessings to all fans and supporters.This tune I'm about to drop, is a tune that means a lot to me.I hope it resonates with each one of you because it took me way back to the core of what commands our unity.
    I asked myself...
    Why do we dance? Why do music make us feel the way it does? Why do my people embrace their culture with such passion and ferocity? Why is it, that regardless of differences like race, once we hear music some sort of unity is formed?
    Is it the drums that unites us?
    After asking myself these questions, this song was born!
    Music with ah difference....
    (Never Limit Yourself)
    Love The Fans Always !!"
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    Category : Soca Videos


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