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Vioja Mahakamani Pombe Haramu full comedy(toxic alcoholic drinks)

  • Dozens of people have died in Kenya after drinking a toxic batch of illicit moonshine thought to be laced with industrial alcohol.
    Many more victims are fighting for their lives in hospital and some have even gone blind after the bootleg liquor went on sale in four counties in the east African country. Use of illicit brews commonly referred to as "changaa" or "kumi kumi" remained predictably high, at 37 per cent of all the alcohol consumed.
    In Kenya, the prevalence of alcohol use disorders was at 4 per cent, that of alcohol dependence at 1.4 per cent, and that of harmful use of alcohol at 2.6 per cent of the entire population Home GENERAL NEWS List of 385 Banned Alcoholic Drinks in Kenya by KEBS
    List of 385 Banned Alcoholic Drinks in Kenya by KEBS
    Currently, there are 385 banned alcoholic drinks in Kenya by The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). These alcoholic drinks have been reported to have caused deaths and serious effects on the victims. Back in 2014, at least 50 people were killed from drinking illegal liquor in the Central region of Kenya with several going blind.
    Also in June 2005, 45 people were killed from drinking an illegal brew laced with methanol to boost its strength. Five years earlier, about 130 people died from a toxic alcoholic drinks

    Category : Comedy


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