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Poem. - Silhouettes

  • Sihouettes is a song created from an experience of fading away from people's memories due to the years spent in social isolation, being mentally distant from those I loved and cared about.
    I hope that our first single will help you come through isolation and loneliness you may experience in your life - now, or any other time.
    Welcome to the Poem.
    Find us on Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/121ivs2cAyYJDtIdvzKFqN
    Find us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/arsen_poem/
    Here I sit in silence
    With the pictures from the past
    Long live the forgotten
    'Cause the memory remains the same
    Underneath the light we stand
    In our place you can't recall
    I'll become a silhouette
    As I slowly fade away
    Writing songs instead of
    Of the words I wish to tell
    'Cause I'm too afraid of
    Showing you the smile I hold
    Underneath the light we stand
    While the pictures disappear
    I'll become a silhouette
    As I slowly fade away
    and as i sit in a room among the ghosts of those i've left behid in an attempt to protect myself, i wonder
    wonder how i got to the point where shielding myself hurts more than the actual pain i thought i've left behind entering the walls of isolation
    and i'm not afraid of losing myself, but i'm slowly losing others
    becoming no more that just a silhouette in people's memories
    wishing to explain how much you mean to me i just find my tongue tied as i slowly lose touch with the ones i love
    and if one day i will fade into nothing, just know
    Your silhouettes always shine from my back
    So here I sit in silence
    With the pictures from the past
    I'll become a silhouette
    Of a memory I can't recall.

    Category : Music


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