Abdul Misambano feat Soggy Doggy - Asuu Remix
Enomizizi - Kiviringishe Tena Kiuno
Kata Viuno Club Laliga in Moshi-Tanzania
Mauno Ndani Ya Continental Nightclub in Tanzania: Kanga Moja Ndembendembe Lakis Pesa hisani ya MichuziJr.
Offside Trick Feat. Hammer Q - Dege (HD)
Safari Sound Band - Mamake Asiya (Chakacha / Dove dance)
Baikoko is the latest craze in night entertainment around Dar es Salaam. Baikoko groups play in roadside bars, at weddings or being invited as an added attraction to rusha roho. Th
The Kilimanjaro Band Wana Njenje LIVE - Gere Mama Fupi - Nyonga Kata Kiuno
World Malaria Day -- Princess Astrid and Yvonne ChakaChaka...
Culture Musical Club Zanzibar - Kidumbak + "African Belly Dance or Chakacha" USA TOUR(Part 1)
African traditional Dances refers mainly to the dances performed by the cultural communities found in continent. Communities use these dances to teach, to socialize, ceremonies
African Sexy Dances refers mainly to the dances performed by the the people living in the beautiful continent and how they especially someone moves their bodies and interprets the