Straight out of South Africa. One of the best from Chiskop.
Uzoyithola Kanjani means "how are you going to get it, if you don't get up and go for it". Kwaito at its best.<
Shot & Directed by Simon Klose. Edited by Svante Lodén for Swedish SVT's Musikbyrån 2002.
After Robot, the first film I ever made, is a music doc about Kwaito - South African el
His best Friend MANDOZA is now also gone, but last remaining Chiskop Member, General GTZ continues the Mzansi Kwaito Legacy. Street life as it pretentious gimmicks. Produce
Club Banga presents Give me the muzik ( Kwaito Edition ).
taking you back with some old school kwaito tracks that made you jiva........