Lua Shayenne performs in public.
Toronto, Canada.
October, 30, 2016.
Music, 'SINTE', courtesy of Seydou Kourouma.
Ethiopian Music : - Mulualem Takele (Shurureye) ሙላለም ታከለ "ሹሩረዬ"New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
የተወዳዱ ድምፃዊ የ#ሙሉዓለሜ ታከለ# "ሹሩረዬ" የተሠኘው አዲስ ሙዚቃ በምነው ሸዋ ቲዩብ ይለቀቃል። ስለሆነ
Ethiopian music :- Mulualem Takele | Amerobishal አምሮብሻል New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
እጅግ የምትወዱትና የምታደንቁት ታዋቂው ወጣት ድምፃዊ ሙሉዓለም ተክሌ በበርካታ ሥራዎቹ አድናቆትን አትርፏል። አሁንም "አም
Frere Patrice - Ni yesu (Allelua ozana)
South Sudan Music South Sudan Music Videos ( Aweil People)
Johnson Jok Lal ( Twic mayerdit _ Ngok Lual Yak ) South Sudan Music _✌
Mario - Probably Franco's greatest hit. (well, part of it anyway)
Mulualem Takele & Ephrem Amare - Teshenfialehu | ተሸንፌያለሁ - Ethiopian Music 2018
Ethiopian Music : Mulualem Takele & Ephrem Amare | ሙሉአለም ታከለ እና አፍሬም አማረ - Teshenfialehu | ተሸንፌያለሁ - New Ethiopian Music 2018 (Official Video)
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Ethiopian Music : Mulualem Takele ft Gildo Kasa - Hamelmalo - New Ethiopian Music 2016 (Official Video)
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Nyaruach - Gatluak - South Sudan Music 2018 - SSMTV Videos
South Sudan Music- Nyan Paleu (Thiong Lual Thiong) Jonglei Da
South Sudan Music-Nyan Paleu (Thiong Lual Thiong) Gadiang
Ulang Song BY NYAKONG LUAL/ New South Sudan Music 2016
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